Douglas County Economic Indicators - August 2024
The August 2024 edition of the Douglas County Economic Indicators is below and available on Quality Info.
Douglas County employment declined by 150 jobs from July 2023 to July 2024. Government, transportation, warehousing, and utilities grew, while manufacturing, professional and business services, and several other sectors declined. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate is currently 5.0%, not much different from the rate in the last several months.
The special topic this month is agriculture. The US Department of Agriculture just released the 2022 Census of Agriculture, the most comprehensive data source on farms and farm products for every county across the U.S.

Douglas County covers a large land area and multiple growing regions, and that variety shows up in its agriculture. Nearly $90 million in agricultural products were sold in 2022, 21st among Oregon counties. Larger open agricultural areas in the Eastern part of the state or high value products in the mid-Willamette Valley tend to make up most of the counties above Douglas in total sales. Douglas has a much higher percentage of sales in livestock and livestock products than the typical Oregon county, as well as larger portions of acreage devoted to fruit and nut varieties such as grapes, berries, and hazelnuts.
This month’s articles included:
Labor Underutilization Remains Relatively Low in Oregon on Quality Info
2024 Oregon Wage Information on Quality Info
Spring 2024 Hiring Among Oregon’s Private Employers on Quality Info
As always, the Indicators contain all the latest economic data on our area. If you have a data question or want to learn more about any of these topics, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Henry L. Fields
Workforce Analyst/Economist
Serving Lane and Douglas counties
Oregon Employment Department
(541) 359-9178