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Douglas County Economic Indicators - July 2024

The July 2024 edition of the Douglas County Economic Indicators is below and available on Quality Info.


Douglas County employment was essentially unchanged over the last year, declining by about 70 jobs from June 2023 to June 2024. The largest percentage gains were in construction and local government. These and other growing industries were offset by declines in professional and business services, and trade, transportation, and utilities. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate is currently 5.0%, not much different from the rate in the last several months.


A new report by OED examines demographic changes in the labor force, including slowing migration and an aging population. The graph this month looks a bit closer at Douglas County workers aged 55 and older, who make up much more of the workforce in the county, state, and nation than in decades past.

In most industries, Douglas has a slightly older workforce than the state. Statewide about 24% of workers are older than 55 and 8% older than 65, versus about 27% and 9% in Douglas respectively. Professional, scientific and technical services in particular have an older local workforce than the state. While an older workforce, with many workers potentially nearing retirement, may present drawbacks in terms of succession planning, it also holds advantages such as retaining experience and skills in the workplace.


This month’s articles included:                                                                                   


As always, the Indicators contain all the latest economic data on our area. If you have a data question or want to learn more about any of these topics, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Henry L. Fields

Workforce Analyst/Economist

Serving Lane and Douglas counties

Oregon Employment Department

(541) 359-9178


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