South Coast Economic Indicators - December 2022
Southwestern Oregon Economy:
Coos County’s total nonfarm payroll lost 40 jobs over the year and Curry County lost 110 jobs. The industries behind these employment drops in Coos were financial activities (-60) and general merchandise stores (-30). Leisure and hospitality did have over the year gains (+30 jobs) despite losing some jobs from last month. Curry County is still 930 jobs below the November 2019 pre-pandemic level. Both counties and the state saw unemployment rates slide up a couple percentage points, but remain near historic lows.
You can find the Southwestern Oregon Employment Press Release here that goes deeper into industry specific employment details.
Graph of the Month: Home Value over Time in the South Coast

This month we take a look at typical home values for Coos and Curry County, courtesy of Zillow housing data. The data used is for “mid-tier” priced homes that fall in the 35-65 percentile range of home prices for an area. Coos County only had data going back to 2008. Highlighted in the graph are the typical home values in 2019 and 2022, Oregon’s annual average home value increased 40% in those 4 years. A typical home gained 56% in value for Coos County and 37% for Curry.
Articles of Interest
Rogue Valley Local Area Personal Income in 2021 – Guy Tauer on Quality Info
Oregon’s Marijuana Industry and Employment Trends – Guy Tauer on Quality Info
Zillow Home Value and Sales Forecast for December – Zillow Research
Christmas Employment: Oregon Christmas trees create jobs – Brian Rooney featured on The Chief
Thanks for reading, don’t hesitate to reach out with data questions or if you’d like to explore any other workforce related topic.
Carlos D. Diaz
Workforce Analyst/ Economist
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