South Coast Economic Indicators - November 2022
Happy Holiday season everyone,
Below you will find November’s economic indicators for the South Coast which include the freshly released October data. You can also view them by following this QualityInfo link.
The Southwest Coast Economy:
Since October of last year, Coos County employment lost 40 jobs. Retail trade remained steady and had no over-the-year change for Coos, but the largest losses were seen in general merchandise stores (-70 jobs), a subsector within retail trade. Curry County employment fell by 30 jobs over the past year, but gains were estimated in leisure and hospitality (+10 jobs), and trade, transportation, and utilities (+10). Unemployment rates ticked up a couple percentage points from last month, but are still near historic lows for both counties.
Graph of the Month: 10-Year Employment Projections in the South Coast
This month we take a look at the Employment Department’s 10-year industry employment projections for the South Coast and Oregon. The South Coast estimates used include Coos, Curry, and Douglas counties. These counties are expecting 7,380 added jobs from 2020 to 2030 as all major industries anticipate added employment.
Articles of Interest:
Unwrapping Holiday Hiring, by Luke Coury
COVID-19 Impacts on Oregon’s Breweries and Pubs, by Erik Knoder
Oregon Economic and Revenue Forecast Blog, December 2022 Edition, by Josh Lehner
Thankful, 2022 Edition, by Josh Lehner
Thanks for reading, and don’t hesitate to reach out with data questions, if you’d like to explore any other workforce related topic, or to learn more about the redesigned Quality Info.
Carlos D. Diaz
Workforce Analyst/ Economist
Serving Coos, Curry, Jackson, and Josephine Counties
(541) 414-5325 |