Southwestern Oregon Economic Indicators April 2021 (March 2021 Data)
Here are the Economic Indicators for April showcasing the March 2021 data.

The graph of the month provides detail on the Child Care Industry in Oregon. Many southern counties of Oregon are experiencing trouble finding child care for their preschool and older age children. Jessica Nelson’s article Oregon’s Child Care Industry, shows all the factors that are influencing the shortage in this industry. School closures and parents staying at home to take care of their children, has also influenced the labor market and the shifting demands on child care workers. Affordability, business size and wages are also explored.
Some articles that you might find interesting:
Why Oregon’s Labor Market is Tighter Than You Think by Josh Lehner and Gail Krumenauer
Oregon’s 2020 Natural Population Increase Was the Lowest on Record by Sarah Cunningham
Polly Farrimond | Workforce Analyst, Economist | Oregon Employment Department Jackson, Josephine, Lake, Klamath, Coos, Curry and Douglas Counties 541-414-5325 | Pronouns: she, her