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Southwestern Oregon Economic Indicators for January 2022 (Coos & Curry data)

Coos County payroll lost 40 jobs in December, and added back 470 jobs since December of 2020. Curry County payroll lost 80 jobs in December, and added back 30 jobs since December 2020.

Here are the indicators for Coos and Curry Counties. This month the graph featured is from the article Employer Responses to the Pandemic from the Oregon Job Vacancy Survey. This article contains a lot of information coming out of the job vacancy survey that includes private employers in many industries. Topics covered include, why vacancies are hard to fill, the impact of unemployment insurance benefits on job seekers, and what businesses can do to attract applicants.

Here are some other article that might be of interest:

Please reach out if you have questions.

Polly Farrimond | Workforce Analyst, Economist

Oregon Employment Department

Jackson, Josephine, Lake, Klamath, Coos, Curry and Douglas Counties


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