Southwestern Oregon Economic Indicators for June 2021
For the most part our unemployment rates have remained unchanged from the update last month. In the local areas we are experiencing a tight labor market, and many listings for employment opportunities have filled our WorkSource Centers.

The graph of the month features the construction of new housing written by Brian Rooney, Regional Economist. In the article, Douglas County Building Permits Drop Slightly in 2020, Brian explains the history of the permits issued and how the pandemic effected the construction industry.
Eric Knoder, Regional Economist, recently wrote an article titled Central and Southern Oregon Coast Economy for 2020. This article looks at the effect that the pandemic had on the economy in our area.
Polly Farrimond | Workforce Analyst, Economist | Oregon Employment Department
Jackson, Josephine, Lake, Klamath, Coos, Curry and Douglas Counties
541-414-5325 |