Coos, Curry and Douglas County Indicators for December 2020 (November 2020 data)
Here are the economic indicators for Coos, Curry and Douglas Counties using the 2020 November data. The graph of the month shows the...
Southwestern Oregon Economic Indicators (October 2020 Data)
Here are the monthly indicators released now showcasing the October data. We still find ourselves experiencing high unemployment rates in...
Economic Indicators for Coos, Curry and Douglas Counties
Here are the latest economic indicators for Douglas, Coos and Curry counties. The graph of the month features the Forestry and Logging...
Economic Indicators for Douglas, Coos and Curry Counties August 2020
You can find the latest Economic Indicators here. Although the Unemployment rate is going down, there is still a lot of ground to gain...
Southwestern Oregon Economic Indicators
Greetings Economic Indicators fans! Key takeaways from this month’s indicators are: - The year-over-year unemployment rate decreased in...
Nursing shortage threatens rural health care
A recent report shows Southwestern Oregon is on the precipice of a crisis-level nursing shortage brought upon by increased access to...
Coordinated Population Forecast 2018-2068 for Coos County
Coordinated Population Forecast 2018-2068 for Coos County